Gregg’s Blog – Different FlavoursI’m on my way back from my holiday in Ireland. I’ve had a wonderful time and I have indulged a bit as you would expect from a holiday, but nothing too crazy as I’ve always said the odd bad day, but lots of regular exercise. The big news is that Danny, our resident PT has got married! Being Indian, he’s having two weddings, so he’s just had his British legal one but I don’t think for him that’s the biggie, it’s just the legal one but congratulations Danny.
Our competition with Princes Foods is well under way and I’m hoping you’ve had the chance to try out some of the recipes they gave us. They all of course have been given the once over by our nutritionist, Kat. This week there was another blog from me, another recipe and another live workout with Ann-Marie.
On the subject of blogs and content, this is your site, if there are any subjects you would like us to tackle in a blog, then please do let us know. We are very happy to oblige.
The site was down for one day this yesterday. There was a lot of work being done on it and it now looks amazing.
Don’t forget about the live workouts every Saturday with Ann-Marie. If you can’t attend them, or let’s be honest, if you‘re slightly nervous attending them, they will be put up on the site later. (Click here to see all of Ann-Marie’s workouts).