By Gregg W.
By Gregg W.
Christmas is about a week away everybody and a very Merry Christmas from us, the ShowMe.Fit family to you, all our fantastic members. As always, this week were more blogs, more recipes, and more workouts.
If you do have any friends that want to join up and usually, they want to do this after Christmas, but if they want to sign up before Christmas, I will send them or anybody they want to name, a personal Christmas video from me.
We’ve been working quite hard behind the scenes on some new projects. One of which is discounts on products like Heck sausages and Yeo Valley. We are also in conversation with offers to our members from a Health and Fitness holiday company and just yesterday, I started talks with Iceland. It would be great if we can get some deals for you from them. We are also working on e books and personalised exercise plans, so very exciting projects for the New Year.
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