By Team SMF .
By Team SMF .
There are lots of new faces joining our little club. You are very very welcome, and the Facebook group is buzzing. We’re very proud of this interaction and mutual support amongst the members. It’s a lovely community, well done all of you.
We are on a mission to get you all to take pictures of yourself, as you are now. I know some of you don’t feel confident doing it, we understand that, but please trust me, it will be worth it. You don’t need to share them right now, they are yours, but at some point, you are going to be so proud of your achievement, you are going to wish you had taken those photos. Trust me, do it.
You may well be aware by now that I do a live chat on my own Instagram every weekday morning at 7 am and Sunday mornings at 9 am. Next week I’ll be working away in Dublin and I’m going to have to move the 7 am live chats to 8 pm. I don’t have any option. They are long filming days.
I’ve written another blog, fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Organisation is really key to weight loss so please read this.
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