By Gregg W.
By Gregg W.
“If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of out lives.” – Lemony Snicket
For this weeks Motivation Monday I wrote a blog for you all about the importance of not being hungry!
Hello from hungover Gregg, yes hungover, I told you we all slip up sometimes. We’re only human, the thing to do is make sure you get back on the right road as soon as possible.
The incredible news is the Facebook group has now hit 900 members. I am so impressed with that; we are building such a great community of fitters. It’s you that coined that phrase, not me, so you’re stuck with it now. You give so much support to each other and are so ready to answer questions from new members, so well done all of you.
We have been in conversation, a lot of conversation, as to whether we should include desserts in our recipes or not. Some say they wanted them, and we have been asking members across the board what they think. It seems quite clear that they are not wanted in big enough numbers to warrant their inclusion.
Obviously, your lifestyles, tastes and habits are changing, and it seems, I am pleased to say, that most of you no longer want desserts and would rather not have the temptation. We still do want, however, to give a bit of guidance to those of you who would occasionally like a sweet treat, so we are going to be putting up a blog from both Kat and Anna with some ideas.
Of course, there are 6 new recipes up on the site and Libby, my clever daughter (who does most of the work round here) is in some of the films, she was nervous. Do let us know what you think of her efforts.
The site has more changes. My bit, Gregg’s ShowMe.Fit life, is now up and running and it includes an interview with my mate from Professional MasterChef, Monica Galetti. A couple of blogs have gone up, one from me on the dangers of being hungry and one from Danny on how to measure yourself.
Coming up, I have been chatting to a lovely yoga teacher called Tammy, hopefully soon I will film an interview with her, and we will have our first 15-minute yoga class going up.
Libby and Danny are meeting to record him doing a workout. He knows much more about exercise than I do and he’s a lot fitter and stronger, but in my opinion, he’s nowhere near as funny!
I’m back in England. I’ve been away in Edinburgh and Budapest; I’ve drunk too much but I’ve had a really good time. There will be more interviews with my celeb friends and a Motivational Monday blog from me, as well as a really great Wellness Wednesday blog from Dr Kev about the fear of failure. Dr Kev is a very clever guy, try and read it if you can.
Final note, and I am living proof of this. It’s ok to go off the rails every now and again, as long as its only now and again. Being good most of the time, as we always say, is good enough.
Katharine Bright – Registered Nutritionist:
‘If you get hungry (which most people aren’t) try having a handful of nuts or as much veg as you want.’
Anna Wallace – Home Cooked Recipes:
‘Things are getting busier, people are going back to work, time is getting tougher. Please make time to cook, this is the only way it will get done. Schedule in an hour to cook and eat every day this week.’
Danny Rai – Personal Trainer
‘Sleep is so important for recovery, make sure you are getting enough.’
Dr Kevin Dutton – Psychologist
‘Don’t let the fear of failure stop you from playing the game.’
This week for Wellness Wednesday, Danny wrote us a blog all about how to measure yourself correctly.
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We cannot wait for you all to get cooking these at home! Remember, if you do not feel you are the most confident in the kitchen do not fret, we have a Cookery Basics section on ShowMe.Fit to guide you through! I look forward to seeing your meals and life updates across social media!
We have got so much more exciting and exclusive content coming soon so please stay tuned for more!
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