By Team SMF .
By Team SMF .
Wow, it is hot. It is super-hot, this is fantastic. It’s weather like this that made us want to lose weight. Get your shorts and your t-shirts on. Lose that weight and enjoy your summers.
I’ve written another blog, it’s called “how did we get like this?” just food for thought of course, because none of us ever made the decision to get big, did we? So how did it happen? That’s my blog.
I’m not sure if you’re aware but I do a live chat every weekday at 7 am. Different topics around health and weight loss. It’s on my Insta, not on the ShowMe.Fit Insta and I’m noticing more and more ShowMe.Fit members listening in. It’s open to everybody, members, and non-members. If you are free at that time in the morning, do pop in to say hello.
There are of course new recipes up on the site, that’s one of our promises to you. One change I have to highlight is the Ann-Marie workout was moved from Saturday to Tuesday as Ann-Marie was away.
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