By Gregg W.
By Gregg W.
“The difference between try and triumph is a little umph.”
Hello everybody,
My major hope is that you are in good spirits in the middle of this really boring lockdown. I really want to go out for dinner with friends and drink wine, I don’t know about you? I’m at home more so expect to see more live chats, live workouts and even some live cooking. I’ve very much enjoyed it this week, a live chat with Libby and you guys was great fun. Do keep your eyes peeled on the Insta account for notice of more.
It’s Autumn now, coming on to Winter and as you would expect, our recipes are changing. Everybody seems to be enjoying the seasonal soups. We will continue to add to the list, there are now over 170 recipes, I think that’s pretty impressive.
There is a new blog from me entitled “The Little Things” and that’s what it’s all about for me, lots of little steps, that’s manageable and of course many little steps, make up one big journey. There’s also a blog from Danny, our PT on Weights vs Cardio. He’s a clever boy, our Danny, he knows his stuff and he’s always well worth the read.
I’m really chuffed to say that my Anna is back in the kitchen, cooking your recipes. She’s had 2 big operations, she’s recovered really well and I love her cooking and I know that you do too, but for me of course, it’s more personal, I’m so happy to see her so well.
We’re piling in quite a bit of Danny this week and we have a 10-minute interview with him.
What I am excited about is our first ever live yoga class. It took place this morning at 9.30 am with the lovely Tammy. It went so well and our members who joined absolutely loved it – there will be more. Don’t worry if you’ve never attempted yoga before, Tammy is very good. Do get to know her, she’s a great girl.
Next week will be filming recipes with me, hooray! It has been ages since I’ve done any, my filming schedule has been so hectic. There will be another blog from me, this is about dealing with our lockdown situation. There will be another 10-minute interview with someone and most certainly, more live yoga classes. We’re hoping to make this a regular thing, do keep referring to the site and keeping your eye on the socials for more details.
I’m going to be filming another live workout, you’re due a new one. We will do a mid-range fat burner, I’ve got all the details from Danny, I’ve got a new comfy pair of shorts and I’m raring to go. There will also be a Get Ready for Christmas, more winter recipes and I think we are going to do a Get Ready for Christmas with the press as well, so watch this space.
Keep positive everybody and hope to talk to you all soon on a live insta chat.
Katharine Bright – Registered Nutritionist:
‘The Facebook group is proving itself to be more important than ever.’
Anna Wallace – Home Cooked Recipes:
‘This week our tree’s went up in the Wallace home… let’s get ready for Christmas together!’
Danny Rai – Personal Trainer:
‘So much of me on the site this week! A new workout coming soon too.’
Dr Kevin Dutton – Psychologist:
‘I am in the process of writing another blog for you all so that’ll be with you all soon.’
This week for Wellness Wednesday, Danny wrote us a blog all about weights vs cardio.
We cannot wait for you all to get cooking these at home! Remember, if you do not feel you are the most confident in the kitchen do not fret, we have a Cookery Basics section on ShowMe.Fit to guide you through! I look forward to seeing your meals and life updates across social media!
We have got so much more exciting and exclusive content coming soon so please stay tuned for more!
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