By Gregg W.
By Gregg W.
“It doesn’t matter how slow you go as long as you don’t stop.”
As we go into a month of lockdown, I just want to wish you all the best, ask you to remain positive, look on this as a great opportunity to up your fitness game and make yourself well.
A timely reminder that there is lots of support on the Facebook group.
We have, as we’ve always promised, 6 new recipes up, and I am absolutely delighted to say that my Anna has recovered from 2 big operations and is now filming the recipes again.
If you haven’t had a look already, do please have a gander at Tammy’s yoga page. I’m a convert, I do 15 minutes every morning now, I just love the relaxation of focus that stretching brings. Also, in what may well be a very stressful time for many of us, there is a great section from Tammy on mindfulness.
There is a 10 minutes with Danny, our PT, and there was supposed to be an interview with the fabulous Dr Kev, but Covid has put a stop to us meeting to film it.
This week there has been Tammy’s first blog! Another blog coming on Wednesday from Danny too, I miss him when we’re forced to lockdown, he’s been my trainer for 3 years, I do more than train with him now, I chat to him every day.
There will of course be another 6 recipes and more interviews.
We are working hard to get your before and after stories and pics up on the site. Thank you for your patience, we really do want to celebrate your successes with you. We’re a very small team and nothing happens particularly quickly. I was thinking of giving some sort of reward to members that introduce friends to ShowMe.Fit. This is all new to me, it’s your site, if you have any ideas, please do share them with us.
Lockdown isn’t easy but it is an opportunity for change, please stay positive, I’m sure it can’t last forever and like you, I’m hoping a vaccine is just around the corner. Stay well and just as importantly, be happy.
Katharine Bright – Registered Nutritionist:
‘The spiced sweet potato and lentil soup is absolutely gorgeous. Libby and I had it for our lunch after filming this recipe.’
Anna Wallace – Home Cooked Recipes:
‘I am back filming the recipes!’
Danny Rai – Personal Trainer:
‘Don’t let lockdown stop your progress, get your trainers on and get going.’
Dr Kevin Dutton – Psychologist:
‘The community on ShowMe.Fit is proving to be more important than ever.’
This week for Wellness Wednesday, Tammy wrote us a blog all about how she got into yoga.
Join our MEMBER’S ONLY FACEBOOK GROUP for constant support, guidance and EXCLUSIVE CONTENT!
Breakfasts: (these could also be lunches)
We cannot wait for you all to get cooking these at home! Remember, if you do not feel you are the most confident in the kitchen do not fret, we have a Cookery Basics section on ShowMe.Fit to guide you through! I look forward to seeing your meals and life updates across social media!
We have got so much more exciting and exclusive content coming soon so please stay tuned for more!
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