By Team SMF .
By Team SMF .
March is here! New month and perhaps new goals ? It’s a good time to start thinking about your shape or weight because the warmer weather is on its way.
Just a reminder that I do a live chat on my Instagram account most mornings at 7 am. You can ask me stuff it’s a relaxed chat and I’d love to see you there.
We are in discussions about online coaching. Group sessions and one-on-one. Please let us know whether you think this would be beneficial and specifically what it is you’d like to get from it.
I wrote a blog about comfort eating. It is a big problem for many and I’d like your feedback on this issue. When did you comfort eat ? What did you eat? How did you feel afterwards?
Everybody seem to love chocolate brownie, baked oats recipe. We do produce a new recipe every week.
There is a live workout with resident PT and Marie every week. Just a reminder that these are all uploaded to the site.
Comments? Questions? Come and join the discussion on our Facebook group
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