By Gregg W.
By Gregg W.
This week there have been some brilliant aspects added to the site… I hope all of you have spotted ‘Gregg’s Mindfulness Moments’ that change daily. Gregg asks different questions every day such as “What have I done well today?” We encourage all of our members to write down their answers every day so they can look back at a later date and reflect upon their growth and change. We believe everyone deserves time to themselves every day to reflect and work of their state of mind, using this feature as a tool to do so is highly recommended.
Katharine Bright – Registered Nutritionist:
‘Add an extra vegetable to every dinner you cook this week.’
Anna Wallace – Home Cooked Recipes:
‘Try one new ingredient that you’ve never tried before in your diet this week, just one! ‘
Danny Rai – Personal Trainer
‘Try to increase your general movement each day, sit for five minutes less, go for a walk while on a phone call, take the stairs not the lift, park further away from the shop or at the back of the car park so you have further to walk… just MOVE.’
Dr. Kevin Dutton – Psychologist
‘Don’t find time to exercise. Send out a search party, arrest it and put it under lock and key!’
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We cannot wait for you all to get cooking these at home!
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