By Gregg W.
By Gregg W.
Hello everybody,
I do hope you’re enjoying your site, let us know if there’s anything you would like to see on there.
A couple of blogs have gone up, one from me about tracking and making notes of things. It may not work for everybody, but I can only tell you what has worked for me and I do really like order and direction in my life. Kat, our fantastic nutritionist, wrote a marvellously enlightening piece on caffeine and I do recommend you all have a look at it.
You may well have noticed some changes to the site, we will continue to change, hopefully for the better but do let us know, as I’m sure you will, if there is something you do not like.
We have incorporated a press page that shows all the articles we’ve had, a news page which is our news of course, for new stuff. There is also a feedback page, that is testimonials from you, our members. Please do keep them coming. We love to hear of your successes. Do also share with us any before or after pics you may have.
There are two interviews we have added, one with the good-looking Danny, our PT, the guy who writes the exercises and another one with Dr Kev. If Danny’s muscles are big, Dr Kev’s brain is even bigger.
We have a lovely recipe from my friend, Claire Fyfe (she made it to the final 4 of MasterChef). I always liked her and her cooking. Please do check out her salmon in Parma ham, delicious.
We have hit over 600 members in our members only Facebook group. I am really proud of this and so should you be. It’s a support community like this that will really help you all achieve your goals. I just want to say well done and congratulations to everybody who is losing weight and living healthier lives. Remember, one step at a time in the right direction, just one step is enough to get you where you want to be and if you slip up, that’s ok, just don’t give up, just go back to where you should be.
Coming up this week, there’s a live workout with me on Saturday at 9 am, come on, put your leopard skin leotard on! There is a live chat just for the Facebook members at 3 pm on Sunday, I’m very much looking forward to that. Can’t wait to chat with you all.
There are two more workouts coming, one is all about stretching, the other is a workout which is low impact on your knees. If you haven’t exercised for a while, I urge you to give it a go but at your own pace.
There are going to be lots more changes on the site, we are very excited, and we will, of course, let you know.
That’s it from me, remember this is exactly the way I lost weight and got fit, you are now on your way, well done.
Katharine Bright – Registered Nutritionist:
‘Try to reduce your caffeine intake this week. Swap one usual drink you would have that contains caffeine out for one that doesn’t – water, herbal tea, etc.’
Anna Wallace – Home Cooked Recipes:
‘Do a stock take once a week of the fridge and if there are any vegetables that need turn them into a soup, stew or a curry.’
Danny Rai – Personal Trainer
‘Stretch. I cannot stress the importance!’
Dr Kevin Dutton – Psychologist
‘Remind yourself WHY you are doing this.’
This week for Wellness Wednesday, Katharine Bright, our nutritionist wrote us a blog all about caffeine… click here to read
We cannot wait for you all to get cooking these at home! Remember, if you do not feel you are the most confident in the kitchen do not fret, we have a Cookery Basics section on ShowMe.Fit to guide you through! I look forward to seeing your meals and life updates across social media!
We have got so much more exciting and exclusive content coming soon so please stay tuned for more!
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