Are You Stuck? Are You Starting Over Again?

Are you stuck? Are you stuck on your health journey or are you starting again? Let’s do it differently. Let’s change what we’ve been doing before. Basically, we get stuck. We get stuck in all this thinking baggage and we stay rooted within it.
We lots and lots of false information, either from books, media myths and from others. The difference now is that you only truly have to get your information from ShowMe.Fit.
Flawed Value Systems:
So when we think about this learning baggage, this cognitive baggage basically it’s stemmed from so many different things, we have a flawed value system. So we, for example, may never waste food; the thought of actually throwing some food away, despite the fact that we are full often stops us from benefiting from a healthful life. Also we have often a sense of entitlement; “I want it”, “I should have it”, “I want it now”.
Food Scripts:
All of us will have food scripts from our childhood, things that we have carried within us almost as fact. So if, for example, my one was all the starving children in Africa… we carry that through into ourselves and we then believe all of those unhelpful things, they will create a script that makes us do things that are not helpful for us.
Were you exposed to warped cultural values?
In some cultures, it’s very valued to be thin, in other cultures people are more open to people being in a larger body which can, on occasions, create a feeling of ill health.
Negative Self-Evaluation:
It’s that negative self-evaluation, “I’m not good enough”, “I’m pathetic”, “I’m ridiculous”, “I’m stupid”, “I can’t do this, I can never do this”, “I didn’t need that so why did I eat that?”. When we speak to ourselves like that it keeps it all going, it keeps the negativity pondering around in your mind, sometimes really violently.
Neurotic Perfectionism:
We get stuck in neurotic perfectionism. Neurotic perfectionism is when we are attempting to strive for impossible standards. If we follow the media, we often get into this totally misinformed way of how we are supposed to look.
Faulty Thinking Styles:
There’s an awful lot of faulty thinking, it’s that impossible dream thinking – “when I lose 10 pounds, I will be happy”, no no, that is not how it works. “When I lose 5 stone, my life will be different”. I want you to start living as you are now, whatever size you are, please do not spend your life attempting to be a size that you were not supposed to be in the first place. Be kind yourself. Faulty interference, it’s basically the incorrect conclusions. We think something and then we come up with the incorrect conclusion. Magnification; when we magnify everything; “I’ve had a cake so I’m going to get huge”… no, you had a cake, you enjoyed it, that’s brilliant! Generalisation; “people only like thin people”, is that true? When I actually work with clients and we dig deep down with this, we realise that that is absolutely not the truth. The light bulbs. Waiting for the time for a light bulb moment to make you want to change your life… and yet we start now. So we have extreme-thought-shaped-fusion which is in the mindset of so many people who struggle to gain health. It’s distorted thoughts and beliefs that we have about health gain and being health full.
Dieting Syndrome:
And of course, what keeps it all going, so sadly, is a dieting syndrome. And now the fact that you’re working was ShowMe.Fit, my hope for all of you is that it will be history. You will no longer get into the dieting syndrome and you will never do the: “I’ve blown it, so I’ll just eat everything anyway.” Or the really awful one: “people in large bodies shouldn’t eat cake”. All that discrimination and that stigmatisation that we need to leave behind us and we’re doing that with ShowMe.Fit.
So, what happens with us all? Well, we get stuck in a bank of chaos and rigidity and if we live with a neurotic perfectionism and live by all our rule books and that rigidity of mind, ultimately, if we live like that, what tends to happen is we then boomerang into chaos. We boomerang into binge eating. We boomerang into compulsive overeating and disordered eating. My work with you all is to support you to meander beautifully down the riverbank. So you’re not on a bank of chaos or the bank of rigidity. We’re not going to do that anymore.
We look at the unhelpful black and white thinking styles in eating behaviour…
So, what happens with us all? Well, we get stuck in a bank of chaos and rigidity and if we live with a neurotic perfectionism and live by all our rule books and that rigidity of mind, ultimately, if we live like that, what tends to happen is we then boomerang into chaos. We boomerang into binge eating. We boomerang into compulsive overeating and disordered eating. My work with you all is to support you to meander beautifully down the riverbank. So you’re not on a bank of chaos or the bank of rigidity. We’re not going to do that anymore.
We look at the unhelpful black and white thinking styles in eating behaviour.
…and the mind worms. The mind worms that play beautifully in our mind, which is why I hope that by now that you have the cognitive diffusion beautifully within yourself.
Black and White Thinking:
It is that black and white thinking: “if I eat one biscuit, I’ve totally failed…” No, you had a biscuit, I hope you enjoyed it. Rule bound: “I shouldn’t eat chocolates, I shouldn’t eat cake.” Whenever we do that we put ourselves into the “should”. The critical voice then runs back at us and makes it so much worse for us.
“If I start eating normally after restricting for so long I will not be able to stop and I will get fat.” No! You will by now have learnt to do things so differently that that will no longer happen, that is not going to happen anymore.
Generalisation and Glass Half Empty:
It’s a generalisation and it is a glass half empty: “Everyone thinks I look healthier but I still don’t look as good as others.” What you’re doing there is it keeps you stuck. It is unfair to compare, it is unfair to compare.
Gaining health does not have to be like playing a game of snakes and ladders, make it easy on yourself please.
- Keep records
Look at your triggers - Be prepared
- Stimulus control
- Eat slowly and mindfully
We have been through all of this before I’m just reminding you.
- Identify your behaviour problems
- Seek social supports like the Facebook page for ShowMe.Fit
- Change one thing every day that does not involve food weight and shape
- Reinforcement change, the more we do it, the more it reinforces, the more it continues, it becomes ingrained
- Make small changes every day towards a healthier healthful lifestyle
- Get excited about change. I cannot keep drumming on about this more, get excited about change.
Gaining health does not have to be like this. It does not have to be like pushing boulders up hills.
Doing things differently is essential for permanent and lasting change, that does not rely on tape measures and does not rely on scales.
Escape the prison of weighing and measuring behaviour. Please escape the prison of weighing and measuring behaviour. It keeps you stuck if you’re permanently jumping off and on scales, they are for fish. And yet it creates an obsession in your mind. You will become healthful, you will gain health, the scales do not define you. Do not be defined by the scales.
We need to look at our goals, we have to have a vision, we need to plan, we must have a plan, we need support which you now have. Ideas, brainstorm, think of ideas that will keep you on track and keep you living and moving towards a healthy life. Strategy, you need to think things through. You have a team, you have a nutritionist, you have a well-being specialist, you have recipes, you have motivation from me and you have a whole team and even a well-being specialist doing mindfulness and meditation and a personal trainer in the mix. You’ve got everything you need to gain health. With us, you will find the motivation and yet you have to find the motivation within yourself. All these will guarantee long going and sustained success, which is brilliant.
Are you ready? I really hope that you are getting there. Change the way you think about food, weight and shape and then you will change your life forever. That I promise you.
You need to be ready, willing and able so check in with yourself. Are your goals appropriate? Losing 5 stone for a wedding in six months… no it is not appropriate. We’re not talking anymore about short term fixes, we’re talking about long term, permanent, healthful healthfulness and health. We are looking for change. Check whose idea is this to be on ShowMe.Fit. Have you been sent? You need to be on here for yourself. The long term change needs to be the motivation from you and you need to check out what is your intention? What do you intend to do by following this programme? What actions will you then take? It has to come from you in order to succeed. We will support you, we are there with you.
Success starts in the mind….
Success starts with our attitude, which will then change your behaviours, we will then take actions, we will then look for solutions and then we will find results. It goes beautifully around like that and we need to be committed in our performance. We need to be committed. Not black and white. Not the bank of rigidity and chaos, but moving towards health.
Okay, let’s go! Ready, steady, go!
Monday get ready, get ready, get ready. Tuesday, set. Wednesday, go. Thursday, sprint. Friday, finish and let’s all celebrate. All of this is achievable but you have to be ready and you have to be able and willing.
Working with us at ShowMe.Fit, you have a community of support. Finally, you’ve found a solution to a problem that was never your fault in the first place…
…and you find freedom from the chains of yo-yo dieting. My hope and passion for you all is that finally you find freedom from the chains of yo-yo dieting.
As a general rule, eat foods that love you back.
However, and I’d like to just start thinking about doing a little bit of work outside these videos. So, I want you to start working it out. In order to do that, we need to look at the pros and we need to look at the cons, it’s really important. What are the benefits of gaining health for you, or the benefits of being health full? And what are your excuses? What excuses might you tell yourself? That this is simply too hard, this is simply too difficult and yet it’s not… You have a whole team, it is no longer hard, we are doing this differently. We are doing this differently.
So, the other thing I’d like you all to do is to give us the five year letter. Send it to us. Write a letter to ShowMe.Fit. I basically I want you to look forward five years. You send this letter saying I am still stuck. ‘Hi ShowMe.Fit, I started on your regime, it seemed to be OK, I enjoyed it to begin with and yet I gave up. It all seemed like hard work.’ and yet it’s not hard work… it’s not hard work. You’re never going to have it easier that with ShowMe.Fit. Another one in five years: ‘I did it! I did it! I did it ShowMe.Fit and I maintained it! I am now fit, I’m now healthy, I didn’t need to have the operation on my hips, my blood pressure got down, I can play football with my grandchildren! I am so happy that I gained health in a different way with you!’
I can, I will, and I did. That’s what I want to hear from you in the five year letter. I can, I will, and I did.
It’s your responsibility to put all of this in place. You have it, it’s there. It’s there, you have it. We cannot be responsible for the rain, however we can be responsible for bringing out an umbrella.
Finally, you have this, you are there, you can do this, you are there. No excuses needed and we are all there with you.
Good luck, good luck and goodbye!